Our Impact

Training & Presentations

ECD continues to provide comprehensive training to the community, voluntary sector, universities, colleges, schools and businesses and has a bank of staff and associates that are key note speakers and subject matter experts in various fields to support Social Enterprises.

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Essex County Council – GLOW Project

ECD, partnered with Southend YMCA to deliver early intervention to children and young people in the South of Essex, where we offered coaching and or mentoring for ages 8-18

Some of the schools whose students we have supported in the school environment through the GLOW Project funded by the Family Innovation Fund (FIF)

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Secondary Schools

Castle View School, King John, Woodlands, James Hornsby, Brentwood County High School, Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School for Girls, Basildon Lower and Upper Academies, Beauchamps High School, The Deanes School, The Bromfords School, FitzWimarc, Anglo European School

Primary Schools

Ryedene, The Willows, St Teressa’s Catholic Primary, The Phoenix Primary, Northlands Infant School

In 2019 ECD were commissioned by Norfolk County Council to deliver a three strand project for the Norwich Opportunity Area (NOA)

Lot 1 – Peer Mentoring

  1. Audit of the school’s current provision.
  2. Provision of a bespoke programme of training for 2-3 members of staff per school.
  3. Provision of training students to enforce their understanding of what peer mentoring can do, how they can help, and a time frame to run the new scheme with the mentees.
  4. The staff training should be to encourage and direct how they can pass on this same workshop to their next peer mentor’s group.
  5. Provision of a bespoke physical/electronic resource pack to be suitable for year on year use.
  6. Monitoring and final report on the changes and impact made by the programme to the new cohort and the trained mentors.

Lot 2 – Youth Board Support

  1. Training Sixth Formers as Coaches and Mentors

Lot 3 - Youth Board Support- Building Self- esteem and being a student representative (Y7- Y10)

  1. Group mentoring for mix aged group secondary school students who may have behavioural issues, be disengaged from main stream school and system to enable them to feel confident enough to speak up in meetings.
  2. Working closely with the Youth Board to access each group of students from each of the participating secondary schools in order to plan and deliver the sessions

Norwich Opportunity Area (NOA) Participating Schools

  • Jane Austen College
  • City of Norwich School
  • Sewell Park Academy
  • Hewett Academy
  • University Technical College Norwich (UTCN)
  • Open Academy
  • Sprowston Community School
  • Hellesdon High School
  • Thorpe St Andrew School

Provision for Mentorship for Support for Care Experienced Young Adults

ECD was commissioned to deliver a Pilot Project where they worked very closely with CCC representatives Education, Training and Employment Coordinator for Care leavers, Specialist Personal Adviser, and Aspirations Project Lead from Cambridgeshire Virtual School This was a pilot and a successful project of which outcomes were measured using the wheel of life.

This involved engaging in crucial conversations with the local community and businesses to identify individuals who were willing to invest time as volunteer mentors. The aim was to ensure that at the end of their mentoring journey the participants would engage in further education, employment and considering other routes of being economically active.

Provision of safety care interviews was completed, interviews included questions on the following: –

  • Enquiries on each prospective mentor’s motivation.
  • Understanding each prospective mentor’s level of self – awareness in their role
  • Identifying each prospective mentor’s level of emotional maturity and resilience
  • Identifying each prospective mentor’s ability to cope under pressure, appropriately responses in challenging situations, and ability to seek assistance or support when necessary.
  • Identifying each prospective mentor’s ethics and values.

Mentors were trained to use an evaluation tool to measure Mentees progress, from inception, midway and end of their sessions, enabling visibility of outcomes and further seeking to develop a sustainable approach towards future Mentoring Schemes.

Mentors were given a handbook with important information which includes but is not limited to Frequently Asked Questions and Answers, Supervisor’s name and contact details, Safeguarding Officer/Lead’s name and contact details and Safeguarding and other relevant Policies and Procedures.


  • Mentoring
  • Coaching
  • Safeguarding
  • Mentoring Mental Health First Aid
  • Conflict Management
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • Psychodynamic Therapy
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Child Protection for Staff in Regulated Activity
  • General Data Protection
  • Regulation Health & Safety
  • Risk Assessment
  • Child Sexual Exploitation
  • Prevent Duty Policy In Practice Lone Working

Crucial Crew – Grooming Workshops

ECD worked with the Basildon Community Safety Partnership to deliver workshops that addressed grooming and county lines to year 6 students transitioning to secondary school. The scenario provided young people with a presentation that highlighted what grooming was, focussing on the grooming process. It explained that it takes place over time and in reliant on building a trusting relationship with a young person in order to eventually exploit them when the trust had been built. The messages aimed to provide pupils with information that would help them recognise the signs of grooming and where and how to report any concerns. Particular emphasis was on ensuring young people understood that it would not be their fault and they would be believed if they needed to report. The presentation included role play for the children to be involved in and demonstrations with props such as footballs etc. in order to make it interactive.

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