Community Development
We aim to improve the ability of individuals, universities, organizations, government and business enterprises in their communities to work together, learn, make well-informed decisions mainly about their immediate communities in the ‘As Is’ and ‘To Be’ states. We support a working together model and Co-production to build community capacities.
ECD connects professionals with the community and the community to professionals, identifies opportunities and supports processes to problem solve in small and large capacities through public engagements and research. We desire to continue to increase individuals self-confidence, to equip and or signpost for individuals to gain new competencies and skills

ECD supports community cohesion and inclusion, we encourage individuals in communities to have a common belonging, to be inclusive, celebrate their differences, adhere to The Equality Act 2010. There is a need for communities to engage in providing opportunities for individuals to develop positive relationships, perhaps through volunteering and lending a hand wherever they can, interact, work together and create a sense of belonging. Communities must foster good relations, thus eliminating discrimination and promote fairness and justice.
Schools are part of the wider arm of the community, apart from the academic provision this is where parents and care givers meet and become part of the governing board and key influencers of what happens in and around the school. We learn from the Department of Education DfE, on the Academy Model Funding Agreement that “the school will be at the heart of its community, promoting community cohesion and sharing facilities with other schools and the wider community” The community can play a wider role in preserving the school’s resources and increasing school’s resources by hiring out the school hall to the community and welcoming trained and vetted volunteers to support other aspects of the school needs.
ECD supports Care Experienced Young Adults with accommodation and offers mentoring on various aspects of their date to day life, taking a person centred approach. The Young Adults meet with their mentors to discuss areas such as finance and budgeting, career development, educational support, job opportunities, community outreach and opportunities, volunteering, travelling and citizenship, matching them with professionals from local firms for work experience and further work, career related mentoring and lots more not limited to these.
More Young Adults who are Care Experienced are navigating positively and engaging more with their local communities, this is evidenced by confirmed job offers, training, education, volunteering opportunities. Some have reported that they never believed they could break through certain barriers and have confirmed to have a full driver’s license and are in happy relationships.